Once you enter the Deku tree head froward some then turn
left. Press Z. You should see a ladder. Climb it. Stay along the edge of the wall and follow the floor. Jump over a few pits
until you hear a scratching and see a chest. Open it.
Continue on until you rerach a door in the wall.
Go in. Ricochet the nut that the creature shoots at you back at it. Now go through the other door and onpen the chest. Use
your new weapon to knock down the ladder hanging above the door you came in by.
Head back to the main room. Now shoot
down the spiders by the chest you opened before. Climb the vines and preceed to the highest level. Find the ddor up there.
Go throughit and you'll find ypourself in a room by a torch. Hit the switch by you to help you get acroos to the two, I repeat
TWO areas in the walls. Now head back by lighting beth torches. Go to one of the edges of the platform and jump off so you
land on the web at the bottom floor. Do this until it breaks.
Now that you're in water you'll want to get dry, right.
Light your torch on the totch nearby and run across the shallow water and burn the web on the wall. That should dry you up.
Hey, wait, a door was behind that web!
Shoot the presence in this room that's EYEing you down... Now you'll see a room
with lots of water. Jump in and find the switch to the left of the room that's under water. Dive to it. Get back up to twhere
the dry land is and jump on the platform. Now you can safely pass under the spiked pole.
Light the torches to exit
this room. Pass through the small tunnel here and you'll be in the room from before. Push the block you see into the water.
Then ligh a Deku Stick and get back to the top area via block that you pushed. Swing the lit stick at the web in the floor. The
Deku Scrubs are invinsible!! That's one of the frequently said E-mails recieved here at TMS. Well, they're not. Hit them in
2-3-1 order. A Deku Scrub you killed should have mentioned this. Just wondering but was he giving a clue or routing for his
favorite basketball player?
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Walkthrough
