After going through the gate from Kakariko head up the Mountian and avoid
the red tektites. You'll pass a huge boulder on the way up. Avoid the rolling "boulders". You'll soon come to an enterance
with wood around it. Enter.
You're now in Goron City. Look around and then head to the bottom floor. Stand on a rug
by a closed door and play Zelda's Lullaby. The door will open. Plat Saria's Song to the Big Goron inside. He'll give you the
Goron's Bracelet.
To get Saria's Song go to the Lost Woods via Kokiri Forest. Head right, left, right, left, straight,
left, right. Fight the Wolfos to open the gate. Go through the hedge maze and you'll find Saria. She'll teach you a song.
recieving the Goron's Bracelet leave the City and throw the bomb flower by the enternace over the cliff. It should open the
enterance to Dodongo's Cavern, your next quest.
