Now, head on over to Zora's River just like you did before (go up to the
waterfall and play Zelda's lullaby). Unlike last time, however, you'll find that the water world is now an ice world. Go up
to the King's room and go around behind the frozed King Zora to enter Zora's Fountain. Now hop on the ice blocks and make
your way to a cave there known as the Ice Cavern (its the only visable cave there). The Ice Cavern is a fairly straight forward
level. Just make sure you have at least one bottle to use to store the blue fire in (the cool blue fire, this is where I got
my nick from. cool-fire, coolfire get it ?). You'll need at least two to carry back out with you - one for the King and one
for the Zora store. Now, from the entrance of the Ice Cavern follow the path until you reach a room with a revolving spike
thing and some ice statue guys. Kill the ice statue guys to open the door to the next corridor. At the end of this corridor
you'll be in a room with a big helicopter-blade thing made of ice. You'll have to run around and collect all the silver rupees
to open the blocked door. One of them is right next to the exit door floating in the air. Go through the door and tunnel and
fight your way through the next room until you get to a room with some ice bridges everywhere. Go up on the ice bridges and
get to that blue fire. Now use all your empty bottles on that blue fire to collect it. Go to king Zora and use the blue fire
on the ice around him. Talk to him to get the Zora tunic. Now go back to the room with all the ice bridges. Use one of them
to melt the red ice around the treasure box at the end of the bridge to get the dungeon map. Make sure to refill it, and go
back to the helicopter blade room. There are two additional exits from this room that are covered with red ice. Use your bottles
of blue fire to melt them. Go through the one to the East (the one with two pots next to it). It leads to a small round room
containing another blue fire thing. Refill your bottles and use them to melt a heart container piece and a treasure box containing
the compass. Now refill them again and go back to the helicopter blade room and then through the West exit. The basic idea
behind this next room is to push that block of ice around and use it to get where you want. The following directions are in
accordance to the direction you were facing when you first walked in. First, push it left and get the silver rupee there.
Then forward and get that one. Then (careful not to fall of the edge!) push it right, then back toward the entrance to get
another silver rupee there. Then push it off of one of the edges and a new one will appear. Push this one forward then right
and climb up to melt the last silver rupee with your blue fire. Then push this one off the edge to get another new block.
Push this one left, forward, right, back, and then left to get to the exit and go through it. You'll have to use some blue
fire to melt some red ice in your way in this corridor. Open the ice door and you'll face an ice wolf. Kill it and receive
the Iron Boots. The best way to kill it is to Z-target and circle it. Wait until it attacks with both paws and then turns
round (you'll see this attck coming from a mile off so jump back) and then jump attack it with your sword. Sheik will now
make another appearance and teach you the Serenade of Water. Now play the Serenade of Water and warp to Lake Hylia.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Walkthrough
