Are you having trouble beating the Water Temple in Ocarina of Time? Well it seems almost everyone
is. Having beat the game I know for a fact that the Water Temple IS beatable. But for all of you that are frusterated I will
try and help you out. Here is a step by step walk through of The Water Temple.
1. FOLLOW HER LEAD- Link sank to the
temple floor and trudged to an entrance flanked by torches. Ruto greeted Link inside, and he followed her as she swam up.
He would not see Ruto again until much later, but he knew she had led him to a place where Zelda's lullaby could change the
level of water.
2. HOT ARROWS- After the water had drained, Link jumped down to where he had met Ruto. To either side
of the chamber's locked door was an unlit torch, and in the center of the room was a lit one. Shooting arrows through the
flame, Link lit the torches.
3. THE HYDRAULIC LIFT- By pushing the block that was in one of the ground floor passageways,
Link reached a room with a switch. When he struck it, a geyser sprang up, and Link was able to hop on it to cross the gap.
THE WATER HALF FULL- Link crossed the dry, sandy floor and entered the tower. Using his hookshot, he reeled himself to one
of the interior platforms jutting from the wall. When he found the Triforce sign, he played zelda's lullaby to raise the water
level halfway.
5. THE DEEP- When he flooded the tower halfway, a passage in the ground opened up. Link put on his Iron
Boots and, carefully dodging the floor spikes, sank to the opening.
6. MAXIMUM WATER LEVEL- With the temple half flooded,
Link exited the tower and swam to a locked door on the second floor. After beating a blue tekitite that attacked from above,
he rode the fountain to the spot where he could flood the entire temple.
7. UP THE WATERFALL- Link completely flooded
the temple then swam to the door to the left of the triforce floodgate. He downed the flying keese, dropped off the ledge
to a platform, then used his hookshot to ascend the waterfall.
8. THE DARK SIDE OF LINK- Link crossed the glassy, shallow
water to reach the door but found it to be locked. When he turned around, a shadowy reflection of himself loomed in front
of the tree. Dark Link mirrored his every move but was foiled by the spinning sword attack.
he found the longshot, Link musically made the blue block vanish. Beneath it flowed a stream that was so swift it made him
grateful he had to types of boots.
10. WATER BLOCK- In the fully flooded temple, Link swam to the third floor passage
to the right of the main entrance. In iron boots, he claked over to a submerged block and dragged it.
AN EYE OUT-In the half fleeded temple, Link pierced the eye switch with an arrow. The gate above his raised, and he swooped
into the entryway using his longshot. Inside, he found the block he had just dragged. By pushing it, he exposed a hallway.
MOVE BLOCK MOVING- Link longshot across the spiked opening then stomped underwater, dodging boulders before reaching the stingers's
room. He jumped down to the ledge to pull the block, then bombed a corner of the stinger poos to enter the rear of the block's
hallway. Eventually, he pushed the block onto the underwater switch.
13. THE KEY TO MORPHA- When the block weighed
down the underwater switch, the water level raised so Link could enter the door atop the stairs. He turned right ant the boulder
channel, sunk down, then floated above the blade to find a key.
14. TO MORPHA- Whith the water level at its highest,
Link fired his longshot into the statue to begin an uphill trip to Morpha, the feind overseeing the temple's downfall.
HOW TO BEAT MORPHA- From the sacred water surfaced the unholy Morpha. The demond itself was small, glowing sphere, but the
mucleus could command the seas to form a tentacle of water. As it slithered fluidly about its lair, Link stood poolside radying
his longshot. He relentlessly launched it at Morpha's core, and if he managed to harpoon it, he could strong arm the nucleus
out from its serpentine body. Once it was disarmed, he slashed its exposed nucleus. Morpha's core retreated to the water to
regroup into tow tentacles, but neither was a match for the long shot.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Walkthrough
