Kakariko Villiage (again!) Walk in, you'll see a cut
scene of the villiage being wrecked. Sheik will talk to you and teach you the Nocturne of Shadow here. You can now use it
to warp to the shadow temple, but if you've not got the eye of truth, which you won't have if you've been following my guide,
you'll need to to into the windmill. Once inside show the musician dude your ocarina and he'll teach you the song of storms.
Now, you'll need to go back in time..... Head into the temple of light. Shiek will appear and tech you the Prelude of Light
(you can use this to get back here). Now, go in to the back room where the alter that you got the master sword out of was.
Stand in front of it, the action button (A) will now say 'drop'. Puch A and you'll become a little kid again. Now go back
into Kakariko villiage. Go inside the windmill and play the song of storms to the musician. The water will drain out of the
well. Go outside and go to the bottom of the well. Down there hug walk round pushing against the wall. A part of it is fake
and you will go into another room. You'll now be in the bottom of the well dungeon.
The Bottom of the Well Crawl
through the hole and climb down the ladder. Walk straight forward right through the wall in front of you (yes, you heard right,
this level has walls you can walk through, invisible floors, etc.). Now you're in the main well room. Watch out for the giant
green flaming skull flying around and just keep running straight forward through another wall. Now ignore everything in this
room but watch out, there's a small invisible pit right in the center of the room where all that blood is. Move around the
pit and keep moving forward to the opposite wall and, again, walk through it. Now stand on the Triforce symbol in front of
you and play Zelda's Lullaby. The water will drain out. Now turn around and go back through the wall, avoid the pit, through
the next wall, and you're back where you started, except now there's a big pit in front of you. Fall down it and crawl through
the hole that's down there. Climb up the vines and go through the door to the Bottom of the Well boss. This guy is scary but
easy. Just keep swinging your sword at him, kill the hands nearist to you every time that they appear and thats about it.
He'll soon die. Once he is dead, a treasure box will appear containing the Lens of Truth. Use the lens of truth in this room
and you'll find an invisible treasure box. Open it for 200 rupees. Now, play the prelude of light to return to the Temple
of Light. Go up to the alter with the master sword in and push A to pick it up and warp back into the future. Now, play the
Nocturn of shadow to warp to outside the Sahdow temple. Go in the cave behind you and you'll see a ton of unlit torches. Stand
on the platform in the middle and use Din's Fire to light all the torches simultaneously and open the gate to the Shadow Temple.
Go in.
Shadow Temple Go down the hall and turn the corner, use the hookshot to get across the pit, and you'll
see a wall in front of you. Walk through it. Immediately turn left and follow the wall two face tiles down and walk through
the wall again (use the Lens in any area to see where the walls can be walked through). Now go through the hall and door and
go through another wall to come to a room that seems to have no exit. As soon as you enter head right and follow the wall
until you find an opening (use lens if you want). Go through the door behind it and then play the Song of the Sun to stun
the zombie and kill it, then hunt down and kill the two bats. Get the chest that appears for the Dungeon Map. Now go back
out and head right following the wall to an opening behind a walk-through wall with a pot on either side of it. Keep going
down this tunnel and you'll end up in a room that looks the same as the last one. The opening to go through next is in the
corner on the right with a pot beside it. Go through the door there and you'll face Dead Hand, which is the same guy that
you killed to get the Lens of Truth in the bottom of the well. After this easy kill, a chest with the Hover Boots will appear.
Snatch your prize then go all the way back through to the first big room that had the statue in the middle of it. Use your
Lens and look at the skulls on the pillars around the circle, and see which one does NOT disappear with the lens. Now walk
up to the tab sticking out of the side of the base of the statue and push the statue until the tab you are pushing is pointing
toward the skull that didn't disappear. Don't stop pushing until it gets there or you'll fall in a pit. Now put on your hover
boots and walk across the pit to the tongue-looking platform and go in the door and down the ramp. Kill the laser eye in the
middle of the next room by throwing two bombs at it, then stand in the middle of the round platform it was on and play the
Song of Storms for a Big Fairy (Big Fairies heal both life and magic but can NOT be captured into a bottle. Also note that
all you have to do is leave the room and come back in and you can get it again.). Go through the wall on your right, kill
the zombies (stun them with Song of Sun if need be) and get the chest containing the compass. Exit back to the eye laser room
and go straight through the wall on the other side. You'll end up in a big room with two Deaths swinging giant scythes around
the room (it's not enemies, it's just a giant statue). Avoiding the blades, grab all the silver rupees in the room. Note that
one is on a platform that has a hookshot target on the wall above it, so use the hookshot to get to it. Now go through the
alcove it opened and get the small key. Return to the eye laser room and use a bomb to blast open the remaining wall leading
North. Go through the locked door. In this next passage watch for round small shadows on the ground. They are Skulltulas waiting
to drop on you. Kill the three Skulltulas and drop down the ledge ahead and you'll be facing some dropping blades. Dodge the
first blade then go past the second and keep following the tunnel. Now you'll be in a huge room. Take off the Hover boots
if you're using them, otherwise you might slide into a blade. Jump over the pit, dodge the blade and jump over the next pit,
dodge the second blade and jump over the pit, and just before the third blade watch out for a flaming skull to try to get
you. Kill it then dodge the final blade. Now on this island you'll have to kill a Stalfos. Once he's dead, play the Song of
Storms in the middle of the island for a Big Faerie. Put your Hover Boots on. Facing away from the last falling blade, turn
left and use your lens to see an invisible platform. Hover on over it and the next platform, turn right, and hover on over
to the door there. Go through and use your lens to see the big spinning scythes thing. Kill the Shield-eater and look on the
walls to find 3 bats to kill. Kill them and the door will open. Go through it to kill a gold skulltula, open a chest for some
rupees, and open the invisible chest using the lens for some arrows . Now head back out and hover back to where the Stalfos
was. You can use the Song of Storms for another Big Fairy now if you want. Wait until the platform in front of you falls and
hover forward as far as you can go to land on it (it's farther than it looks). Then wait for it's highest point (you'll have
to time it) and hover over to the next big island. Collect all the silver rupees here (there's on inside that eye laser thing
so kill it) and go through the door that opens. Follow this passage to a room with falling spikes. Use your lens and look
at the right hand wall to see a movable block. Pull it out onto the face tile and then push it in front of you and it will
keep the spikes from hitting you. Once it's on the second face tile walk around and start pulling it until it's on the third
face tile. The treasure box in the cage to the right has arrows. Climb up on to your block now and hover/hop to the ledge
on your left. Now wait until the spiked platform lowers and walk over it to get to the platform on the other side of the room.
The treasure box has rupees, but more importantly the yellow switch makes a new treasure box appear on the other side of the
room. Hover there using the spike platform as before and get the small key. Leave this room back to the big room. Now look
at the left hand corner of the platform you are on (the one furthest corner from you) and you'll see a small rock ramp. Use
it to get to a platform with a falling blade. Use your lens to see the ledges behind the blade, then dodge and hover to the
platforms and finally to the locked door on the wall. In this room use your lens to see the invisible spikes on the floor.
Kill the two zombies and a rupee chest will appear. Now to get all the silver coins here, hookshot to the hookshot targets
on the wall. To get the last one, use your lens to see an invisible hookshot target above an invisible platform. Hookshot
up and hover walk off the platform to get it. Once you have them all a door will open, go through it. In this room kill all
the bats to reopen the blocked door that shut behind you. Climb up the steps and pick a bomb plant then toss it into the hole
in the top of the giant skull to blow it up and get the small key it drops. Go back into the last room. Use your lens and
look on the ceiling above the raised platform for an invisible hookshot target. Use it to get on the platform and go through
the locked door. Now I know this sounds weird but, put on your Iron Boots. This will keep the fans in the tunnel ahead from
blowing you away. Make your way through the tunnel until you come to a pit. Watch the fan on the other side of the pit and
as soon as it stops blowing, equip the hover boots, walk across, and then reequip the iron boots. Drop down off the ledge
and walk across the bridge to the door. You can kill the eye above the door that's shooting fire at you by hitting it with
an arrow while the eye is open. In this small room kill the two zombies to reopen the door, play the Song of the Sun in the
middle of the room for a Big Fairy, open the invisible chest for some arrows, use z-targeting and Navi on the face for a hint,
then leave. Use your lens to see a hole in the right wall, then stand even with it. Look at the fan behind you and when it
stops, turn around and equip the hover boots. Stand on the side of the bridge closest to the fan. Watch closely and when you
start moving from the fan run across to the opening in the wall. The fan helps blow you across. Go through the door. As soon
as you walk in this room, look to your right and there's a pile of dirt there. Blow it up with a bomb, then use your Lens
to see the invisible chest containing a key. Kill the two zombies for another rupee chest and go through the locked door.
Once you're through this door turn left and go to the movable block. Pull it onto the path of green bricks and then pull/push
it onto the face tile under the ladder on the opposite side. Climb up onto it and go up the ladder. Hop over onto the ship,
stand on the Triforce symbol, and play Zelda's Lullaby. As the ship moves you'll have to fight two Stalfos. When the ship
completes it's journey, whether or not you're done with the Stalfos, it will start sinking. Jump off to the left (if you're
facing the front of the ship) onto the platform there before it sinks (it's safest to use the Hover boots for this bit). Go
through the door that's on the platform. This next room has 4 doors at North, South, East and West (you came in the East door)
and is a small maze of invisible walls. It's inhabited with those hand things like from the Forest Temple. Use your lens to
navigate it. The West room contains three giant rotating skull heads that give you some rupees and a gold skulltula. The South
room contains an invisible hand monster (use Lens of course) and a chest that appears once it's dead containing a small key.
The North room contains two spiked walls that close in on you to kill you. Use Din's Fire to burn down the walls and recover
the Boss Key and some rupees. Once you get the Boss Key and small key, return to the room where the ship dropped you off (through
the East door). As soon as you're back in this room, look up and to your right to see a high platform. If you have the Scarecrow's
Song you can play it to get Pierre to appear up there and then Longshot to him to get across. If not, go to the other end
of the platform and look over to a large statue and some bomb plants. Shoot one of the bomb plants with an arrow to blow them
up and make the statue fall over the gap creating a bridge. Once you're over go through the locked door. Use the Lens and
Hover Boots to walk over the gaps and invisible platforms and go through the Boss Door. Make sure you're still wearing the
Hover Boots and fall down the hole in the middle of the room to face Bongo-Bongo.
Shadow Temple Boss: Bongo-BongoThis boss is easy if you know how to do it. Stand far away from the hands. Z-target one of them
and fire off a regular arrow. It will turn blue. Then Z-Target the other and hit it with an arrow. Now as soon as it also
turns blue, turn on your Lens and, push B once to take out your sword, then hold down B to start a spin slash charging. Wait
until Bongo Bongo's eye is close enough and let the spin go. Start slashing it with the sword until it retreats. Then repeat
until he dies. With the Goron sword he should die fairly quickly. Grab the Heart Container and go into the blue light to exit.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Walkthrough
