Gerudo Fortress Now,
after enjoying the lovely cut scene get out on the field and summon Epona with Epona's Song. Ride to the West and enter the
Gerudo Valley area by jumping over a bridge (just like you did when you were getting the Goron sword. If you talk to the man
there (he's the guy you give the Poacher's Saw to when you were trying to get the Goron Sword), he will explain that his carpenters
are in the fortress. Continue on to the fortress right ahead. Let one of the guards see you and you'll be thrown in a cell.
I'll tell you now, you'll need to avoid all the Gerudo Guards in this level just like you did to get into Hyrule castle courtyard.
Now look up and notice the overhang of your window. Hookshot to it. Then fall down to ground level and go through the door
right next to you. Follow the corridor and you'll come to a cell. Talk to the guy in the cell (the first carpenter) and you'll
be attacked from behind by a Gerudo guard. The best way to kill them is to Z-Target them, jump back to avoid all their attacks,
and then , when she does a jump or spin attack she'll take a couple of seconds to get back up, so hit her with a jump attack.
You have to watch out though because one of the attacks she has will knock you down and you'll end up back in your cell. Once
she's gone she'll drop a key so use it to free the first carpenter. Now continue on past the cell and go outside again. Turn
left and go in the door. Turn right in at the corner of this hallway and you'll see the head of a guard poking out over a
box. Shoot it with an arrow. Walk to where she was and turn to look down the next hall. From there shoot down the two guards
in the next room. Go in the room (there's a Big Fairy that can be summoned using Song of Storm near the stove) and go up the
ramp on the far side to an exit. When you are outside again turn right and drop down and go through the door that's there.
Now just stand in the doorway with an arrow cocked and in a few seconds a guard will walk by, so shoot her. Now go right,
left, right and you'll be at the second carpenter's cell. Talk to him, fight another guard, and free him. Go back out where
you came in and drop down one level. Turn left, climb up some vines, and go through the door that's straight ahead of you
(not the one to the left). This is the third carpenter's room. Same process. Once he's rescued, go back out the door you came
in. Shoot the three guards that are wandering around outside and drop down to ground level. Turn left and go into the door
furthest left, the one right before the Gerudo in white clothes (Don't worry about her, she's not a guard she just lets you
into the Training Center later.) Follow this hall down to the fourth and final carpenter and go through the same process to
free him. Now that he's free a Gerudo will talk to you and since you are so skilled, you will get a membership card that lets
you wander around the fortress all you want and participate in the activities it has to offer. Also, the bridge will now be
fixed. Explore the fortress and try the various games and what not. Don't bother with the Training Ground because you can't
get through it without the Silver Gauntlet. Desert Colossus Once you're done having fun in Gerudo Fortress, head for the big
gate. Climb up the ladder next to it and talk to the girl there to get it opened. Walk out into the desert. Gerudo Desert
In front of you will be a river of sand. Put on your hover boots to cross it. Then, follow the flags. This is much easier
to do during the day, so if it's night use the Song of the Sun to make it day. After the first flag or two you'll notice a
little sign. If you follow the direction the sign is pointing you'll end up on a flying carpet talking to a weird guy that
sells Bombchu's for 200 rupees. Keep following the flags until you get to a stone structure. Walk up the side of it and read
the plaque up there. Then activate your Lens of Truth to see a ghost. Follow him closely as he wanders seemingly aimlessly
around the desert. You might have to fight off a couple of desert critters. Eventually you'll end up at the Desert Colossus.
Desert Colossus Turn right first off and look for two pine trees next to a wall with a crack on
it. Blow open the crack go inside, play Zelda's lullaby on the Triforce Symbol, and get Nayru's Love. Also on the other side
of this area is a sand pit with some palm trees around it and a small rock nearby. Make it night with the Song of the Sun
and kill the gold skulltula on one of the palm trees first, then stand on the rock and play the Song of Storms to fill the
sand pit with water and it will become a fairy pond. Fill your bottles with the fairies if you need to. Now walk in the front
door of the Spirit Temple. Immediately walk back out. Sheik will appear and teach you the Requiem of Spirit. Play the Prelude
of Light to warp to the Temple of Time, put back the Master Sword to turn into young Link, then play the new Requiem of Spirit
to warp back to the Desert Colossus. Enter the Spirit Temple.
Spirit Temple : Young Link> Go
up the stairs and turn left. Talk to the person there. When asked what you want, say Nothing, Really, and when asked if you
like Gannondorf say no, and then you'll be asked to go get a treasure. Crawl through the hole, kill the bats and statue guy,
and then light a Deku stick with one of the torches. Go through the right hand door and light the torches in there. Then go
back and go through the other door. You'll have to fight a Stalfos here (boy they're much tougher and scarier when young Link
aren't they?) and also a flaming green skull (stun it with your boomerang and then hit it with your slingshot). Now throw
your boomerang to the left of the shock switch across the pit from you. If you aim right it will swing around behind the fence
and hit it. Then the fence will fall down forming a bridge. Cross the bridge, watch out for the flying pots, and go through
the next door. In this room walk along the bridge until you're just before the spike thing and then use Din's Fire to fry
the guy. Just so you know, these guys copy all your movements, except in reverse Technically, it's like looking in a mirror
, i.e. when you go backwards, they go backwards, but when you go left, they go right. You can lure it into a pillar of fire
that appears when you hit the shock switch nearby, but it's easier to just fry them (fire arrows). There's nothing on the
other side of the bridge, so just go through the next door. Open the treasure chest here for a key and collect all the silver
rupees to make a bridge. Now go back into the first room again and this time climb through the small hole (not the one you
came in through, the one between the two torches). Go through the locked door. Kill the skulltulas and climb up the wall.
Now you're on the 2nd floor. Go in the room a ways and you'll have to fight two of those lizard guard guys. Use your boomerang
to hit the shock switch above you and open the chests that appear. One has Bombchu's in it,the other has 5 rupees. Aim a Bombchu
so it climbs up the wall and hits the boulder up there, which stcks out, and looks bombable. This will open the doorway. Go
through and look to your left. Push the stone statue you see straight off the ledge onto a switch. Climb the steps in front
of you to get to a torch and a door. Light a Deku stick with the torch, drop down, and light the two torches in front of the
big statue to get the Map. Go back to the small statue, climb the wall, and go up the steps again, this time going through
the door. Go around to the next door, and you're now in another silver rupee-collecting room. You'll have to kill the laser
eye guys with bombs or bombchu's to get up to most of them. After getting them all a torch will light. Use it to light the
other torches to get a chest with a key. Now move those blocks in the middle of the room around until the one with the sun
symbol on it is in the sunlight coming in from the window. Go through the door that opened, up the stairs, and into the next
room. Go up to that big metal thing sitting in the throne and hit it with your sword. Now you'll be up against an Iron Knight.
This guy isn't all that tough. If you get hit though, you're in for some serious pain. Just Z-target and go just outside the
attack range for his 'side swipe'. He'll then try to slam his axe down on top of you, which you'll see coming from a mile
off 'cos he'll raise his axe above his head, and jump backwards to dodge it. He'll get his axe stuck in the ground so jump
attack him (forwards+A) and then jump backwards again to get out of his attack range. Keep doing this and you'll eventually
kill him. After what seems like forever he'll be dead. Go through the door that opens and up a ramp and you'll end up outside.
Open the chest there to get the Silver Gauntlets. Watch the cut scene then play the Prelude of Light to go to the Temple of
Time. Get the Master Sword to become adult Link. Now, play the requiem of spirit to get back to the spirit temple. (At this
point you can actually go into the gerudo training ground and get the ice arrows, but they are an absolute waste of time to
get 'cos they don't do much so I wouldn't bother, which is why I've not included them in this guide, although I might at a
later date).
Spirit Temple : Adult link Enter the spirit temple. Go up the stairs and to the right
is a big gray block. Push it until it falls down and go into the next room. Kill the eye laser thing and shoot the shock switch
in the ceiling with an arrow. Go through the door on the left. Kill the wolves and play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol
to make a chest appear. Hookshot to the chest to get a Compass. Go back and now go through the door on the right. Collect
all the silver rupees in this next room. Use you Hover Boots to get the one floating in the air. Go through the door that
opens. Watch out for the Shield-eater and get a small key from the box. Go back to the room with the shock switch on the ceiling
and go through the locked door. Watch out for flying pots and a Shield-eater that falls from the ceiling in this hallway.
Climb the wall and use your Lens to see an invisible hand monster. Kill it, then use one of the wood poles sticking out of
the statue to push it around to the third sun symbol from the left, opening the doorway. Go through it and you're back in
that giant statue room. This time the small statue next to you is alive so watch it. Now climb up the stairs and use your
hookshot on the small treasure chest across the way from you. Use your hammer on the switch to open the door on the ground
level. Go through this door, push the blocks out of your way, and hammer down the switch at the end to make a moving block
for easy access between this room and the entrance room. Go back to the big statue room and use your hookshot on the hookshot
target above the door you came in from originally (as adult Link) to get access to the stairs again. Climb up the stairs and
jump onto the statue's hand with the Triforce symbol on it. Play Zelda's Lullaby to make a chest appear in the statue's other
hand. If you've got good aim you can hookshot to it, or just drop down and climb the other stairs to jump over to it. Inside
is a key. Climb up the stairs where you came in and go through the locked door. Kill the eye laser thing with a bombchu, then
go through the next door and kill that eye laser thing with a bombchu (it will go down the wall, across the floor, and up
the other wall to get it). Kill the weird floating guys with fire arrows or try luring them into the fire that appears when
you step on the switch. Go through the door that opens. Ignore the statues and go stand next to the closed door to your right.
Equip normal arrows and fire one at the statue furthest from you. As it moves toward you it will step on the blue switch which
opens the door, so quickly go through it. Go up the stairs (there's invisible chests in here with hearts in them) and through
the door. You'll have to fight another Iron Knuckle. This time is a little different since you're now older Link. If you use
the Big Goron's Sword you can stab by pushing forwards and A and then quickly retreat to get in hits before he hits you. Using
this sword will kill him in a lot less hits then it took young Link to kill him with. If you don't have the Big Goron's Sword
(you should have if you're following my guide) then just do exactly the same as last time. Once he's dead go through the door
to end up outside, and this time the chest holds the Mirror Shield. Go back inside and down the stairs to the room with the
four statues. Stand in the sunlight and use your Mirror Shield to reflect the light on to the sun symbol on the wall. Go through
the door that opened and get the key from the chest. Go back out of this room and then take the door to your right back to
the room where those weird floating guys were. Go through the locked door here. Kill the two eye laser things with Z-targeting
and a couple of Bombchu's (your new Mirror Shield can now block their lasers if ya want). Shoot down the skulltula halfway
up the wall. Now aim your hookshot at the climbable section of wall at the very top and fire it. You'll be pulled up to the
top climbable section rather than having to navigate this moving wall. At the top you have two more eye laser things to kill
then go through the door. Play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol to open the door in front of you, then go through it.
All the doors in this room are fake. Blow up the one just to the left of the chest to reveal a gold eye. Shoot it and another
block of ice will appear above you. There's a hookshot target on the ceiling above it to use that to get up onto the new ice
block, then jump over and step on the switch. Drop down and get the Boss Key, then exit the room. Turn right and go through
the door. Watch out for flying pots, and hit the switch behind the grating with a spin slash. Go through the door that opens
and kill all the baddies in this room. You can use the Mirror Shield to reflect the light onto a sun symbol above the archway
between the two sections of this room to get some bombs. Blow open the wall to the statue's right then push it around so the
light shines down the new passageway. Go down there and push the second statue so the light shines back into the previous
room through the grating. Now go back into that room, drop down to the floor and stand in the light. Reflect it onto the sun
symbol on the wall with your Mirror Shield and you will be taken down to the big statue room again. Stand on the side of the
platform furthest from the statue (but make sure you're still standing in the light), hold your Z trigger for a second to
get the camera focused on the statue's face, then let go and use your Mirror Shield to reflect the light on to the statue's
face. The face will crumble off and a grate will be behind it. Hookshot to the grate and go through the Boss door behind it.
Watch the short story sequence and you'll have to fight a third Iron Knuckle. This one is bigger though. Just do the same
as you did when you were small link, but using the master sword. Once he's gone, watch another story sequence then go through
the door behind the throne. Go down the hall, through the door, and climb up onto the big square platform. Step in the middle
of the platform to initiate the battle with Twinrova
Spirit Temple Boss: Twinrova First, jump onto one of the 4 side platforms
and face toward the big platform in the middle. Keep facing toward the general direction of the witches. Do NOT Z-target.
When one of them looks like she's about to fire, face her and hold down your shield button. Her beam will reflect off of the
shield. Try to direct it at the other witch by moving the shield. If they fly over and start hovering above your platform,
jump to the middle platform and reflect the attack, then jump back onto your platform. After you've gotten them to hit each
other enough times, they'll combine into a more powerful (but much less ugly) Twinrova. Jump back to the main platform. Z-target
her and hold down your shield button. Your shield will absorb her attacks! After three of the same type (fire or ice) it will
fire back at her. She'll fall down to a platform. Let off your Z targeting, get over to her platform (Hover Boots may be useful
here) and let her have it with the sword. Then get back to the main platform and repeat the process. NOTE: If she fires an
attack of the opposite kind of what your shield is absorbing (an ice attack when you previously absorbed a fire attack) just
dodge, don't try to absorb it, otherwise you'll get hurt enough to lose 10 hearts!! Watch the somewhat funny death scene,
grab the heart container, and step into the blue light.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Walkthrough
